In today’s market, highly concentrated THC products are becoming increasingly common. As a result, cannabis consumers are reporting more instances of unintended and overwhelming experiences with THC products. It’s essential to understand that THC products are not monolithic. They come in different formats, are designed to target different areas of concern, and contain a spectrum…
Contrary to popular belief, there’s more to the 4/20 holiday than an excuse to get high. The history of 4/20 recognizes the evolution of cannabis policy and the line its reputation has straddled between the labels of “drug” and “alternative medicine”. In today’s blog, we’ll indulge you in the rich symbolism of April 20th and…
In the heart of Silicon Valley where innovation and excellence thrive, we are overjoyed to announce that Mercury News readers have crowned Cloud City Supply as the ‘Best CBD Store in Silicon Valley’ for the second consecutive year! On March 31st, the publication announced this winning title in the 23rd Annual Mercury News Best In…
How does CBD help with joint pain? Due to the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD, research suggests this compound is an ideal candidate for natural joint pain relief. The best part? It doesn’t come with any of those dangerous side effects or long-term health risks as traditional painkillers do. As the best CBD store in Silicon…
You know those moments when you zone out and forget entirely about whatever you were doing? These waves of mental confusion seize your mind at random and can last for extended periods. Usually, brain fog can be attributed to a prolonged state of anxiety or unresolved stress. However, poor mental health isn’t the only impetus….
If you suffer from debilitating headaches and migraines, we’ve got good news. Although these nuisances can be thoroughly distracting, several natural remedies can bring you the relief you crave. In this blog, we’re sharing six tricks for prompt headache relief. Let’s begin with the most overlooked and accessible way to remedy horrible headaches and migraines….
Stress and anxiety seem to have found a permanent home in the daily lives of millions of Americans. Our “always on” culture has led to a significant increase in prescription drug abuse. Thus, we are observing never-before-seen increases in cases of dependence, long-term impaired cognitive function, irregular heartbeats, heart failures, and lethal seizures. Amidst the…
Out of all nature’s alternatives for traditional prescription depression and anxiety medication, CBD is making a name for itself as one of the most effective. However, this powerful compound’s ability to soothe all types of pain, from headaches and muscle aches to joint pain and menstrual cramps, as well as alleviate cognitive impediments such as…
Unfortunately, lack of proper sleep has been established as normal in today’s productivity-obsessed culture. Whether it’s work or play that we can’t stand to miss out on, for some reason one of the first things we’re willing to compromise is our physiological need to rest. It’s an amazement some people can go on like this…
Did you know that cannabis consumption has zero impact on donating blood? During the COVID-19 pandemic, blood donations were halted to the quarantine, social distancing measures, and growing concerns about virus transmission. What’s more, the cancellation of elective surgeries and medical procedures reduced the call for blood donations in certain healthcare settings. However, for the…