Contrary to popular belief, there’s more to the 4/20 holiday than an excuse to get high. The history of 4/20 recognizes the evolution of cannabis policy and the line its reputation has straddled between the labels of “drug” and “alternative medicine”. In today’s blog, we’ll indulge you in the rich symbolism of April 20th and outline how cannabis went from being a taboo topic to a mainstream health aid.
The History of 4/20
As a Northern California brand, we’re proud to say the origins of 4/20 trace back to a group of high schoolers in San Rafael, California in the 1970s who referred to themselves as the “Waldos”. As the story goes, the Waldos would meet every day after school at 4:20 PM to search for abandoned cannabis crops they heard existed nearby. Although they never actually found the rumored harvest, they maintained their 4:20 ritual and this lingo soon became commonplace throughout the school and local surrounding community.
Eventually, ‘4/20’ evolved from a simple code amongst teenagers into a global phenomenon. Hence, April 20th has been celebrated by cannabis advocates and enthusiasts as a grassroots movement for legalization, decriminalization, and social justice for decades.
What is there to celebrate about 4/20?
April 20th symbolizes the power of community and the history of grassroots activism in the ongoing fight for cannabis rights, with acknowledgment of the long road ahead. Nevertheless, the progress made thus far is not insignificant. This study published by Visual Capitalist details a timeline of cannabis legalization in the United States, with the most policy change activity happening between 2012 and 2024.
Beyond political activism, the significance of 4/20 has also fostered an annual cultural celebration. Cannabis lovers and advocates worldwide combine food, music, art, and each other’s company to highlight the evolution of our collective well-being. Whether or not you’re a cannabis consumer, there are always good vibes accessible to you on 4/20.
How to properly celebrate 4/20 this year
Recently Cloud City Supply was crowned the ‘Best CBD Store In Silicon Valley’ by Mercury News readers for the second consecutive year in the 23rd Annual Mercury News Best In Silicon Valley for 2024. In addition to offering premium CBD products, service, and education, this award-winning shop is hosting a full day of festive 4/20 activities on Saturday, April 20th, 2024 from 10 AM to 9 PM for the downtown Campbell community to partake in.
Kick the day off with some of the finest CBD-infused coffee on the market before diving into a competitive game of cornhole. Next, chill out to live music in the courtyard by Simon Santiago, and keep the party going with beats by DJ Interval afterward. Before the night ends, enjoy a specially crafted wine and food pairing event with a complimentary gift bag full of Cloud City’s ultimate CBD treats to take home!
RSVP here to secure a spot for you and your friends at this celebratory cannabis extravaganza. See you there!